Individual Pets

Users can easily own their own personal pet in PokeTON by joining the platform. Once a pet is claimed, it will automatically mine $POKE tokens for its owner every day. Each pet is granted 6 hours of free mining time daily, during which it generates $POKE tokens without requiring any additional effort from the user.

To extend the mining time beyond the daily 6-hour limit, users can invite friends to help feed their pet. Each time a friend feeds the pet, it gains enough energy to continue mining for an additional 6 hours, allowing users to earn even more $POKE tokens as they engage with others.

Pet Upgrades & Rewards

Users can upgrade their pets in PokeTON to increase the speed at which they mine $POKE tokens. As pets are upgraded, they become more efficient, allowing users to generate $POKE at a faster rate. Upgrading pets is key to maximizing token earnings and advancing in the game.

In addition to faster mining, upgraded pets can also produce high-value assets such as PokeEgg, Mystic Egg, and Legendary Egg. These rare items can be obtained as rewards and are highly valuable within the platform. Users can convert these eggs into TON at a fixed exchange rate, offering an additional way to earn rewards beyond $POKE mining.

With every level you upgrade for the Pet, you will get:

  • A faster speed of generating $POKE token on hour

  • A certain amount of Power Potion (this potion can be used to Power-up Group Pet)

  • A faster speed to produce PokeEgg

  • A faster speed to produce Mystic Egg

  • A faster speed to produce Legendary Egg

Egg asset can be converted to $TON in out Miniapp

Platform Fee: When converting eggs into $TON, PokeTON applies a 3% platform fee, which helps maintain and support the smooth functioning of our platform.

Last updated